Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some questions/answers that we are frequently asked. If you have additional questions that aren't covered here, please feel free to give us a call at (318)584-7049.
- What are the Hospital hours?
Our hospital is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We are closed for lunch every weekday from 1-2 p.m. The hospital is closed on weekends. Hospitalized and day-admitted pets should be picked-up by 4:30 p.m. All pets scheduled to go home that day that haven’t picked up by 5 p.m. will either board overnight at owner’s expense or incur a late pick-up fee of $75 plus $1 a minute after 5 p.m.
- Do I need to have an appointment?
Because we value your time and appointments are much preferred. Please call our team at 318-584-8740 if you need same-day or urgent care.
- What forms of payment do you accept?
Cash, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Care Credit, and Scratch Pay. Unfortunately, we do not accept checks or any other form of payment.
- Can I make payments?
Payment in full is required at the time of service. However, we do accept care credit and scratch pay. Our wellness plans are also available.
- At what age can I have my pet spayed or neutered?
Spaying or neutering can be done at approximately 6 - 24 months of age. Your pet is given an exam prior to surgery and pre-anesthetic blood work is required to help determine whether your pet is healthy enough to undergo the surgical procedure. Current vaccinations are required at the time of surgery.
- What is the pre-anesthetic blood screening?
This is a blood test that is run either here in the clinic or at our outside lab prior to surgery. The pre-anesthetic blood screen checks the liver, pancreas, and kidney functions, red and white blood cell counts, and clotting factors of your pet. This allows us make sure your pet is healthy before the procedure and can handle and process the anesthetic appropriately.
- How long do the sutures stay in after my pet's surgery?
Procedures involving skin sutures require removal in 10 to 14 days following the surgery. In some cases, absorbable sutures may be placed under the skin, which do not require removal. We will give after-care instructions upon discharge from our hospital.
- Is it a good idea to let my pet have at least one litter?
No, there is no advantage to letting your pet have one litter. However there are plenty of advantages to having your pet spayed or neutered. These advantages include decreasing the chances of breast tumors later in life, lowering the chance of cystic ovaries and uterine infections, eliminating the chance of testicular cancer, minimizing the desire to roam the neighborhood, decreasing the incidence of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, helping prevent spraying and marking, and also decreases the surplus of unwanted puppies and kittens that find their way into shelters and are subsequently euthanized.
- Do you board pets?
We want to focus on quality integrative care for your pets. While we have facilities available for exotics stays, feline boarding, and overnight care for our sick patients including dogs, we do not have the staffing to offer boarding for dogs currently. Fortunately, there are several great local boarding facilities.